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Day: March 11, 2021 

Running leashes allow you and your dog to exercise safely

Running Leashes: Letting Everyone Exercise Safely

You want to get in your daily jog. And you picked an active breed to keep you on-track with that exercise regime. But juggling a leash while running - or even speed-walking - is a challenge. Both you and your pup end up frustrated, if not sore. Good thing running leashes exist to make things easier. We'll explain how these nifty contraptions work and which are the best so you can hit the trail.
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Retractable dog leashes often cause more problems than they're worth

Retractable Dog Leashes: Tackling a Genuinely Controversial Problem

When it comes to leashes, you have a multitude of options to choose from. They come in different lengths, materials, colors, and configurations. And, unfortunately, a lot of people gravitate toward retractable dog leashes. These contraptions allow dogs to range 15, 24, and even 30 feet away from you on your walks! And people make seemingly good cases for why this is a good idea. But retractable dog leashes also pose hazards - to your dog and YOU. Before you grab one off the shelf, make sure you're making an informed decision.
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