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Tag: Dog Dewormers 

A dog losing weight often signals a health concern

Is Your Dog Losing Weight? When It’s Time to Get Worried

Weight's a touchy subject - even in the canine world. If you have a pup carrying a few extra pounds, you've probably heard your vet mention it. But there are just as many concerns about skinny dogs. A dog losing weight can signal lurking health problems. Or it may mean a sudden change in the house, and your dog's protesting. But how do you tell the difference? We'll let you know the critical signs.
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Dog dewormers work on a variety of intestinal parasites

Dog Dewormers: When Parasites Invade Canine Stomachs

Nothing tends to make people more squeamish than discussion of parasites - especially the kind that live in the GI tract. But dogs often pick up these pesky invaders from the environment. And, left untreated, your pup can end up severely ill. You CAN find dog dewormers available over-the-counter, but you need to think carefully about reaching for them. We'll go over everything you need to know about these parasites and how to get rid of them.
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Dogs rolling in poop is one of the greatest canine mysteries

Why Do Dogs Roll in Poop? The Mystery That Baffles Even Scientists

Why is it dogs rolling poop happens at the most inconvenient times? Not that you ever WANT your dog to dive into a pile of feces, but they usually wait until you've given them a bath, scheduled company to come over, or spread a fresh load of laundry on the couch. It's one of the worst habits of the canine world. Even worse, no one quite understands the drive behind it! There are plenty of interesting theories, though, so why not take a look through them?
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Dogs eating dirt often puzzles us

Why Do Dogs Eat Dirt? What This Weird – and Gross – Habit Means

You provide nothing but the best, high-quality dog food for your favorite canine. So why do they come back with a muzzle covered in dirt and mud half the time? You don't want to take it as a criticism of your "cooking," but what else could it mean? Dogs eating dirt often troubles owners. If you struggle with this same question, look no further. We have the answers you're looking for.
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