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Day: June 24, 2021 

A dog losing hair can mean possible illness

Is Your Dog Losing Hair? What It Means When Those Bald Patches Appear

Everyone expects their dog to shed. That's normal. But you DON'T expect to see clumps of hair come off your furry friend. A dog losing hair often signals an underlying health problem. And there are plenty to choose from. We'll dive into the possibilities and how you can narrow them down.
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A dog licking their paws can lead to problems down the road

Why is My Dog Licking Their Paws? Sorting Compulsion From Problems

Who hasn't seen their dog nibble at a toe now and then? And you've probably seen them performing grooming behaviors similar to a cat. When it's occasional, you don't think much about it. When a dog licking their paws turns into a constant behavior, you take notice. And the reasons behind it? Could be anything from boredom to a significant health issue. We'll go over what to look for and how to address the problem.
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