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Day: June 25, 2021 

A dog losing weight often signals a health concern

Is Your Dog Losing Weight? When It’s Time to Get Worried

Weight's a touchy subject - even in the canine world. If you have a pup carrying a few extra pounds, you've probably heard your vet mention it. But there are just as many concerns about skinny dogs. A dog losing weight can signal lurking health problems. Or it may mean a sudden change in the house, and your dog's protesting. But how do you tell the difference? We'll let you know the critical signs.
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A dog drinking a lot of water should always concern you

Is Your Dog Drinking A Lot of Water? When Too Much is TOO MUCH

You set out water for your dog every day. But do you pay attention to how much they drink? If they stop by the water constantly, probably. What causes excessive thirst? Unfortunately, a lot of things - some more concerning than others. If you have a dog drinking a lot of water, you want to pay close attention. Because the odds are something else is going on that you'll need to visit the vet for. We'll go into the details for you.
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