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Tag: dog allergies 

A dog losing hair can mean possible illness

Is Your Dog Losing Hair? What It Means When Those Bald Patches Appear

Everyone expects their dog to shed. That's normal. But you DON'T expect to see clumps of hair come off your furry friend. A dog losing hair often signals an underlying health problem. And there are plenty to choose from. We'll dive into the possibilities and how you can narrow them down.
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A dog licking their paws can lead to problems down the road

Why is My Dog Licking Their Paws? Sorting Compulsion From Problems

Who hasn't seen their dog nibble at a toe now and then? And you've probably seen them performing grooming behaviors similar to a cat. When it's occasional, you don't think much about it. When a dog licking their paws turns into a constant behavior, you take notice. And the reasons behind it? Could be anything from boredom to a significant health issue. We'll go over what to look for and how to address the problem.
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Dog hair dyes seem harmless, but they're actually dangerous

Dog Hair Dyes: The Truth Behind a Colorful Canine Fad

Once relegated to Halloween, adding touches of color to your dog's natural coat has now become a trend. After all, people change their hair to fun shades all the time. Why not do the same with their canine companions? And while it seems like a fun idea, there are plenty of dangers people don't consider. Dog hair dyes aren't the harmless fad people consider them. And we'll explain why you should avoid them.
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Dog reverse sneezes can be difficult to understand

Dog Reverse Sneezes: What IS That Crazy Sound?

You know what your dog's usual sneeze sounds like. And you may have heard an occasional cough thrown in there a time or two. But some dogs add in an unusual string of rapid inhalations that sound like nothing you can quite describe. Is it a sneeze? Not quite. These dog reverse sneezes often frighten owners. Good thing we have all of the information you could want about them!
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Dog head shaking can mean many things - some benign

Dog Head Shaking: What Does It Mean and When Do You Worry?

You often see your dog shake their heads at certain times: after a bath, when they finish swimming, and if they get up from rolling in the grass or dirt. But sometimes all of that head shaking continues. How are you supposed to know what's normal and what's cause for concern? We'll break down dog head shaking into easy to understand pieces. Because sometimes? That shake CAN lead to problems.
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Limited ingredient dog foods may pose more problems than they solve

Limited Ingredient Dog Foods: Solving Allergies Or Causing Problems?

When your dog struggles with allergies, you feel terrible. The average commercial dog food has SO MANY things on the label! How are you supposed to figure out which is the culprit? That's where the idea of limited ingredient dog foods came about. By cutting out some of the extras, they're supposed to help sort out canine allergies. Unhappily, they can CAUSE problems, too. It's important to understand everything about these diets before you bring one home.
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Can dogs eat tofu? The answer isn't precisely black and white

Can Dogs Eat Tofu? A Sticky Vegetarian Question for Canines

Tofu's popular with many people - not just vegetarians. The punch of protein works in so many different ways, and it doesn't bring a fat or calories with it. You know dogs need plenty of protein in their diet. So can dogs eat tofu? Unfortunately, the answer isn't simple. It isn't toxic, but it also isn't the best protein source out there. We'll explain why these pressed blocks of soy milk may cause problems.
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Grain-free diets sound good in theory, but there's more to it

Grain-Free Diets: The Truth Behind the “Health Kick” Hype

Grain-free diets became a popular trend in dog food following such human diets as paleo and gluten-free. Unfortunately, they led to a string of dangerous DCM cases. If you feed your dog a grain-free diet or have considered switching to one, make sure to read up on ALL of the information. It may save your dog's life.
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